Welcome to my blog! You can start by getting to know a bit more About me or for a more detailed explanation of how I was diagnosed, have a read of my posts The Journey to Cushing's Syndrome and Part II the saga continues. Bienvenue sur mon blog! Vous pouvez commencez par decouvrir Mon Histoire avec Cushing's

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all...

I don't know why but lately I've only been posting every 2 months or so. Actually, that's a lie, I do know why! My posts have been far more infrequent because of a combination of things: I have less to talk/write about, and sometimes I just don't feel like writing about all the stuff that's happening in my life!

You're probably thinking to yourself, well how is that a problem? Does it really matter if you don't write a blog post about yourself? And the answer is: Of course not!! In fact, I'm not even sure how many people actually READ my blog except maybe for my mum and sister (thanks ladies!). But I'd like to think that this blog is about more than just that. More than just a venue for me to vent out my frustrations, disappointments and quasi-philosophical ramblings. I'd like to think that sometimes, someone out there stumbles upon this blog and finds comfort in knowing that they're not alone. That someone else is going through something similar to them and that we all deal with it in our own messed up ways. I'd like to think that I can offer hope even if my posts aren't always rosy. After all, hope and optimism aren't about unrealistic aspirations but about seeing the glass half full when it seems half empty. If anything, maybe reading about my misfortune makes someone feel better about themselves which is always a good thing...

In actual fact, a lot has happened since the last time I wrote!! First there was my birthday, then Christmas, New Year's, my trip back to London, Chinese New Year, etc...
So much so that I've decided that I would split all these "episodes" into smaller posts because I know that posts that are too long can be tedious to read through especially if there are no pictures or change in font or something to jazz it up a bit!
So over the next few days/weeks I will update you on what's been happening in the past few months in a sort of mini-series kind of way. I will (try to) post short anecdotes to make it all a little bit easier to digest.
In fact, in this spirit, I will start by trying to keep this post short and sweet too.

Yesterday was Valentine's day but I'm not going to post about that now because that topic needs a whole episode on its own! No, today I just want to mention something that happened over the weekend, the death of one of my idols growing up: Whitney Houston.

When I was younger, Whitney Houston was one of my favourite singers. Mariah Carey and her were my biggest influences. I always said that if I could sound like anyone it would be either of them! I have watched The Bodyguard about a hundred times and still consider it one of my favourite films particularly for the soundtrack. I even had the privilege of seeing her perform during a special New Year's eve event in HK in 1999/2000. I stood 3 meters away from her and was completely start struck. Her voice was magnificent and she was beautiful too. It deeply saddens me that someone as talented as that, turned to drugs. And to be completely honest, it also makes me a bit mad!
I'm not going to pretend to understand what her life was like, I'm sure that being famous is not all it's cracked up to be but I can't help but feel that people like that waste God given talent. I mean, same thing for Amy Winehouse. Why do these celebrities with money, fame, etc. have to squander it all away? I understand that addiction is complex and not as obvious as it seems. And Lord knows I'm not perfect, no one is, but I just don't understand it!?
I'm not going to go into it all now because it's much too long. I just want to finish off by saying that it's a shame and that her beautiful voice will be miss. If only she could follow the lyrics of her own song and realise that she needed to learn to love herself...

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