Welcome to my blog! You can start by getting to know a bit more About me or for a more detailed explanation of how I was diagnosed, have a read of my posts The Journey to Cushing's Syndrome and Part II the saga continues. Bienvenue sur mon blog! Vous pouvez commencez par decouvrir Mon Histoire avec Cushing's

Friday, 11 May 2012

The Cushie song

Today is Friday and I have an extra special treat for you all. I've been working on this for the last couple of days. It's my first real video project and I did everything from video to audio so please bear with me.

I also wanted to thank those of you who joined and liked our new Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/cushiesunited) and our YouTube channels.


and our CushiesUnite channel:

I hope that you will pass all of these links and videos on so that we can all work towards raising awareness for Cushing's.

So for now, enjoy your Friday treat! I wanted to remind people that it's essential to maintain your sense of humour even when life throws you a curve ball.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Out of sight, out of mind?

So it's been a week since my last post. Did you miss me? I promised that even thought I wouldn't blog every day I would still keep you updated so here's what's happened in the last week. (Quite a lot actually!)

The appointment on Monday went well. I met a very nice neurosurgeon who took the time to listen to me and seemed pretty knowledgeable. The bad news: the MRI was clear. You might be wondering why that's bad news, well because if the tumour isn't on my pituitary again it means it could be somewhere else which isn't exactly a very pleasant idea. I could have a tumour on my adrenal glands or anywhere else in my body.
But there is a chance of what's called a false negative which basically means that even though the MRI is clear there could still be some tumour tissue left. Even the smallest, trace amount could be enough to cause excess cortisol.