Welcome to my blog! You can start by getting to know a bit more About me or for a more detailed explanation of how I was diagnosed, have a read of my posts The Journey to Cushing's Syndrome and Part II the saga continues. Bienvenue sur mon blog! Vous pouvez commencez par decouvrir Mon Histoire avec Cushing's

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Who's that chick?

I realise it's been a long time since I last posted and I apologies. It's not that I've had nothing to write, but having finally started to have a life again, finding time to blog has become more challenging!
But I guess that's a good thing right?

So what's been happening? Well quite a lot actually. I started going to a new church which my friend told me about. It's been about 6weeks now and I've been every week. I even joined one of the "connect groups" which is a local group that meets weekly to reflect on the service, pray and socialise. I never imagined myself such a fervent churchgoer but I realise that it brings me something that nothing else can, a natural high! Every Sunday I leave the service feeling enlightened and in a great mood. I don't know if it's the catchy worship songs, the dynamic young pastors, the welcoming atmosphere or simply the bible readings, but whatever it is, it's working!!

I've also finally gotten my exercise on referral scheme started through my GP. What it is is a scheme which allows me to join my local leisure centers for free, allows me to use the facilities at a reduced rate and provides me with 12 weeks of supervised exercise.
I had my assessment appointment last week and was really happy with the Personal Trainer assigned to me. He was a lovely and helpful guy who completely understood and empathised with me. We set some challenging but realistic targets for me over the next few weeks and I now have a program which I am to follow every time I go to the gym which is about 3 times a week.
It will be reviewed on a regular basis to make sure I improve and I'm feeling great about it all.
I've already been 4 times and it's not as bad as I thought it would be.
I was afraid that after nearly a year of barely any exercise at all I would have trouble getting back into the swing of it. I also know that I have a tendency to be slightly inpatient and I thought that perhaps I would have trouble accepting that I wasn't as fit as I used to be.
But the truth is, my new positive and "can do" attitude has really helped me a lot.
Sure I can't walk as fast as I used to and the weights I lift are pretty pathetic but so what? When I consider the fact that a few months ago I was having neurosurgery to remove a tumour in my brain, I feel pretty proud about how far I've come!

On a not so positive note, I received word from my Endocrinologist that my last blood test revealed slightly elevated blood glucose. This is obviously a concern because diabetes runs in my family and Cushing's can often lead to diabetes. The glimmer of hope is that because that last test was done after lunch, it's possible that it was elevated because of that. I redid a test last week, at 9am after having fasted and not taken my hydro. So I should soon be getting some useful results about my Cortisol, ACTH and glucose.
Will keep you posted...

Some of you may be wondering why I entitled my post "Who's that chick?" Well several reasons really. One being that I'm loving the new Rhianna feat. David Guetta song of the same title, but also because I feel like I'm slowly turning into a whole new person.
Actually whole new person might not really be the right description. What's really going on is that I'm finally getting back to being ME! The extroverted, sociable, outgoing, ME.
I'm meeting new people, making new friends, doing things that I want to do, keeping myself busy and finally having the confidence to be who I wanna be and who I really am.
Starting with my hair! Sure, to some of you that sounds quite trivial, after all a hair cut is just a hair cut. But to me it's more than that. Those that have known me for a long time know that I've always been one to experiment with hairstyles and hair colour. But in the last few years, I'd toned it down a lot. Not wanting to draw any more attention to myself than was absolutely necessary, I stuck to hairstyles which were relatively safe. But ever since my op. I've been slowly getting more daring. Starting with a new haircut which I got 6 weeks post op. At that appointment I met a really cool hairdresser who totally got me and my style and told me exactly what I needed to hear: "Just be confident and you'll be able to rock any hairstyle you want!"
So the second time I went back I cut even more off and then dyed some of my previously highlighted hair bright pink! (Some of you might have seen the pic on Facebook, it's also on my timeline)
Now I've got an appointment with her on Sunday and I've decided to completely go for it!!! I'm not gonna ruin the surprise and tell you exactly what I'm getting done but let's just say it's a good thing that hair grows back because there's a possibility it could go slightly wrong.... But you only live once and the way I see it, It's only hair!

So I guess my next post will probably be of my new hair cut and my blood results. Fingers crossed both of them will turn out good...

I leave you with the "Who's that chick?" video, isn't Rhianna's hair amazing?

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