Welcome to my blog! You can start by getting to know a bit more About me or for a more detailed explanation of how I was diagnosed, have a read of my posts The Journey to Cushing's Syndrome and Part II the saga continues. Bienvenue sur mon blog! Vous pouvez commencez par decouvrir Mon Histoire avec Cushing's

Thursday 9 September 2010

Looks like America isn't the only one having problems with BP!

Well I had some slightly disturbing news at my appointment with the nurse this morning. Despite having doubled my medication dose in the last week, my BP (blood pressure) is still quite high. This is a worry because they are usually reluctant to operate if your BP is too high. So what should have been a routine 10 minute appointment turned into me being there for 45 minutes!!! We took about 10 readings and they were all over the place. I only got about 1 or 2 which were low enough....
The problem is that my Cushing's is why I developped high BP in the first place and it turns out that it's also the reason my meds are having trouble working. I swear, this disease just keeps on giving!
Anyways, I have another pill to take now on top of my BP medication which apparently is to facilitate it working. Doc says I don't need to come in for another check up before the surgery because they'll check me when I get admitted and I should be ok. He reckons once I'm there and have settled in the bed and relaxed a bit I should be fine. He better be right!! I've been waiting for this surgery for so long now.... And anyways, the longer I leave it the worse it'll get since it's the Cushing's which is giving me the high BP!!

So as you can imagine I left the GPs a bit flustered and it didn't help that it also made me run late. Luckily I managed to make it to my lunch appointment on time and spent a lovely afternoon with my friend in Regent's Park. After that I had a singing lesson and though I still had a headache, it was great fun as usual.

I don't know what I would do if Cushing's had had any effect on my singing! I mean, it's had some effect in the sense that now when I have to sing in public I get far worse stage fright than I used to because my stress response is off the charts. And also for a long time I didn't even dare sing in public because I became so self conscious, but at least it hasn't taken away my actual ability to sing.
I already find it so hard that it's stopped me from dancing... I mean, I started dancing when I was 3 and I've always loved it but in the last few years, being overweight and because of the muscle wastage and constant backaches, I haven't been able to dance and that's really been awful. Because dancing for me was a way to have fun and express myself so not being able to do that now means I have lost one of the few creative outlets I had.
But hey, I'm thinking positively and hoping that once I've had the surgery and started losing some of the weight, I'll be able to slowly get back into it. I don't know if I'll ever be able to dance like this cool dude again: Michael Jackson dancing
But I sure as hell will try my best!

So to keep this positive, I've uploaded a little recording from one of my singing lessons. It's my attempt at the Carole King song: "Way over Yonder"
You can play it through the widget in the left hand column and if you want to hear more of my tracks, check out my soundcloud profile HERE

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